Reiki Level 2: If you can not attend a direct Reiki level 2 course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you!
We know your time is valuable. Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki level 2 course can be for example -you are very busy -bad logisteics no close courses -physical problems -you don’t own a car -you hate looking for parking -you hate bad traffic just to name a few reasons Welcome to Reiki Level 2 for those who want to take it online!
Reiki Online, Learn Level 2: one part online, the other part directly with me, Daniela, in Calgary.
If you live in Calgary or near by then now you have the possibility to learn Reiki at home online, but receive the attunements directly through me here in Calgary.
We welcome you to our Reiki Calgary level 2 course. My name is Daniela.
And I’m so honoured to tech this course together with my daughter Lina. Let’s have a moment of reflection. The First degree… You have learned the basic knowledge of Reiki, and the basic hands on healing methods. You have been initiated into Reiki by means of attunements, that will empower you to become a Reiki channel. From this time on Reiki energy will flow through your hands. It means you are now a Reiki practitioner the rest of your life. We believe that Reiki Level one has opened up new doors in your life. That is why you want to move one to your Reiki Calgary: Level 2.
Every one will have a different experience with Reiki, and I’m sure that Reiki will change your life for the better; if you are open to receive, and allow healing to take place on an physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. If you want to get the attunements for the second degree you must first already have the first degree completed, including the attunements. Also wait at least 21 days after your Reiki level 1 attunements. Practise a lot, and listen to your heart to know if it is the right time to move on. In this Reiki Calgary course, you will learn how to active the Reiki Symbols, how to protect yourself.
How to do a spiritual room cleansing with the Reiki symbols. With this Reiki Calgary course you will learn how to do a distance spiritual room cleaning.
We will practise distance healing, healing the past, healing of the inner child, mental and emotional healing too. You will learn in this Reiki Calgary course, how to create a healing depot, and how to program crystals and stones. And you will learn how to send positive energy to the future. At Reiki Calgary you will learn how to install a reiki shower as well. And how to work with a Reiki box.
Yes, this Reiki Calgary course can be split in two, which means you can learn and study Reiki online at your own speed, and get the attunements directly in Calgary. Go get Reiki Calgary: level 2 now:
Who should take this course, who should not? For everyone who completed a Reiki Level 2 course with a certification. This course is not for students who have not learned Reiki level 2 yet. No Attunements (initiations) included! What should you to know before starting this course? The student must have a Reiki Level 2 certification, including knowledge of Reiki Symbols. Get it now:
Reiki Level 1 Calgary: Learn Reiki level 1 Calgary: one part home study, online, the second part learn Reiki Level 1 Calgary directly with me, Daniela.
Hello and welcome to Reiki Level 1 Calgary. My name is Daniela and I have taught Reiki Since 2002. When we lived in Germany. I’m so excited to teach this course together with my daughter Lina.
The concept and word Reiki comes from Japan, and is the expression for the universal life energy.
It is defined as being the power which acts and lives in all created matter. Is this chi? Or the Higgs Boson Particle which give matter shape, perhaps?
The point is that this is the universal life energy, and the Reiki healing method is to channel it. It is given to one’s self or to others, by gently laying one hand on, or slightly above, the body.
The one who provides the Reiki energy the giver, is the channel for the energy, and through the hands this energy is given to the receiver.
Reiki is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei, which we now teach Reiki Level 1 Calgary. If you live in Calgary, or nearby, you now have the opportunity to learn Reiki at home, online, and get the attunemnents directly from me in Calgary, you can save money this way. Reiki Level 1 Calgary traditionally has 4 attunements.
We guarantee that you will get 4 attunements for Reiki Level 1. this course provides you with lots of demo videos and reading material, on how to give Reiki to yourself and to others. At the end of the course you will get your certificate for Reiki Level 1. This course is fun and easy to learn. Reiki is simple, so keep it simple, and that’s what we’re going to do. See you soon. Reiki Level 1 Calgary, get is now:
Aura And Aura Meaning: What Is Your Personal Charisma?
Aura And Aura Meaning: What Is Your Personal Charisma?
Aura: learn more! Understanding the aura is important for reiki!
Every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field, and we call this an Aura. This field vibrates at different frequencies and reflects our Body, Thoughts, Emotions, and Inner Being. In the aura teachings we often talk about how the aura consists of different ethereal bodies, or layers.
These bodies are not fenced off, but flow into each other like the colors of the aura. Aura meaning: not only do the aura colors signify your spiritual state, but there is more: The Four Energy Bodies/Layers related to the aura There are lots of teachings that state we have many energy levels. But most healers work with the following aura levels:
1 – Ether body (etheric body, or vital body) – vitality Aura This field is the first layer and enfolds the body with a distance approximately five centimetres above the skin. The ether body contains information about the physical structure, and gives vitality to the physical body.
2 – Emotional body – feelings, emotional Aura This field reflects the feelings and emotions of the individual. The body contains the emotions connected to your memories as well as how you feel at this current moment. Emotional injuries must be healed, otherwise an illnesses can result. How we feel depends also on our thoughts.
3 – Mental body – thought Aura Here we find all of our thoughts and thought patterns. This means the mental body is the carrier and organizer of the conscious and unconscious thought-processes, as well as thought habits like evaluation, ethical, and moral ideas. If something is wrong in one’s world of thoughts, the body reacts. Therefore this knowledge means responsibility – “What am I thinking?”
4 – Spiritual body – bridge to the spiritual world Aura Here we connect to the power of creation, with the unity of all life. The spiritual body is also divided up into broader layers, which I won’t go into any further here, because it is a very complex system, and not necessary for Reiki healing. The aura, on one hand is simple, yet the aura is complex as you can see.
Reiki helps to bring balance to it. Note: The aura is different from person to person in structure, form, color, and content. The aura is in continuous flux.
With the help of the Kirlian photography, named after two Russian scientists Semjon and Walentina Kirlian, the aura can even be represented photographically.
But there are other ways to see the aura. Through further development of high frequency photography, in connection with computer technology, it is even possible today to produce a colour picture of a persons aura. People have been known to have the power to see auras too. The Aura is amazing! Click here: to learn more.
Reiki Classes Level 1: How Can You Learn This Online?
Reiki Classes: If you can not attend direct Reiki classes for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you!
Enrol in the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with me, Lina to make an appointment for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course. Reiki Classes are great when you take them online. Click now to get this Certified Reiki Level 1 course!
What is a Reiki Lineage? To keep the Reiki energy pure, it is important that your Reiki Master-Teacher has a lineage. This lineage can be traced to the source of Reiki, to Mikao Usui. What is Reiki – Questions and Answers: learn more about Reiki:
What is negative energy? First get rid of it: with this spiritual cleansing course. So what is negative energy?
Negative energy is created, most of the time, through negative thoughts and emotions. Maybe you had a bad, stressful day, or you had an argument with your partner or your kids. Maybe they asked the same question: what is negative energy? Without realizing they helped to create it. All the thoughts, words and emotions of this moment will leave an energy that can be absorbed by your home, and by all of the objects found in there. Did you ever visit someone, maybe a friend, and you felt that something was not right when you stepped into the house?
Then your friend told you that they just had an argument with their partner. Everything is energy. Our thoughts, connected with emotions, is a very strong energy indeed, that can influence the energy in the house in a bad or good way. Before I knew any of this, I always wondered what is negative energy, and why was there so much of it at work or at friends homes?
My friend tried to sell her home, but she could not, and asked what is negative energy, because lots of people felt it there. She had some struggles in the home, but after doing a spiritual cleansing of it, she sold the home right away. If you are asking what is negative energy, and how to get rid of it, the answer is with an online spiritual cleansing course like the one you will find in the link below. So what is negative energy? It’s the negative spiritual footprint, so to speak, left behind by various struggle.
Good news: you can get rid of it now! Find out more about what is negative energy with the cleansing course:
Spiritual Cleansing: click now to learn how to do a Spiritual Cleansing of your home! A spiritual cleansing is not just helpful for your space where you do energy work, it is also very helpful for any living space. Here are some examples of perfect situations where you can so a spiritual cleansing:
Do a spiritual cleansing before a healing session, or after a healing session, works wonders. You can do a spiritual cleansing before a meditation, after an argument, or after illness, which can all leave behind negative energy. There are many reasons, and times to do a spiritual cleansing. You can do one after someone has past away, before you move into a new house, or even after a divorce, or a break up.
There is a lot of negative energy after break ups that need a spiritual cleansing, don’t you think? You can also do a spiritual cleansing to bring positive energy into your business, and to get new ideas. One spiritual cleansing that really worked for a friend of mine was when she wanted to sell her house.
She had tried to do this once before, but couldn’t after having the house on the market for months. I went in, and did a spiritual cleansing, room by room, and, what do you know, she sold it after about a week! Amazing! There is so much more you can do with this knowledge. In terms of businesses, after doing a cleansing, many have reported increases in productivity.
As you can see a spiritual cleansing, when do right can go a long way in bring balance back into your life. It really helps to de-clutter, so to speak, the negative imprint of past struggles in your life, to let go of the bad energy, and let in new positive energy. See the full online course here of how to do a spiritual cleansing of your house:
What Is Reiki Healing? Click here: This Certified Reiki Level 1 online Course with Distance Attunements will show you the way! Reiki Healing has been around for a while. The concept and word Reiki (spoken: Ree-Kii) comes from Japan, and is the expression for the universal life energy.
It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The Reiki healing method is to channel the universal life energy, and it is given to oneself or to others, by gently laying ones hand on or slightly above the body. The one who provides the Reiki-Energy, the giver, is the channel for the Reiki healing energy, and through the hands this energy is given to the receiver. Reiki healing is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926).
Usui attained enlightenment, and this Reiki healing ability was bestowed upon him in 1922, at the age of 57 while he was fasting and meditating on the sacred mountain of Mount Kurama in Kyoto. Reiki healing works at a physical level, and is relaxing and pleasant. On the emotional level it creates confidence in oneself, and in others. It helps to strengthen the zest for life, and to feel more balanced. Reiki healing works on the mental level too, helping you to cope with everyday stress better. On the spiritual level Reiki healing helps and guides you to develop your spiritual growth.
If you can not attend a direct Reiki course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki course, to learn Reiki healing can be for example: – not enough time – having no possibility to get to a class, because there are no classes near by – physical problems – no transportation just to name a few reasons Go and check it out now, Reiki Healing: