How To Watch And Become One With All That Is: Mindfulness Meditation Tips
How To Watch And Become One With All That Is: Mindfulness Meditation Tips
Mindfulness is being aware of the present moment. Being mindful is becoming the observer of all you are at once. This means you are in a state of active, open attention on the present. You observe everything as a whole: your thoughts, feelings, everything within your senses, everything that is within consciousness. The trick is not to judge any of it, but just to let your life pass you by. Live in the moment of conscious awareness. These are my mindfulness meditation tips.
Mindfulness Meditation Tips: Become One
The trick is to step back, so to speak, and just watch. Take a deep breath, and soak up every thing you are aware of, all at once. The difficulty in a regular meditation is to empty your mind. In essence you have to stay focused on being unfocused from distracting thoughts, and a wondering mind. For my mindfulness meditation in this case when your mind wonders that’s ok. Because when you step back and become the observer it’s fine to wonder with your mind, or any other sense stimulation you are observing.
The point is to observe everything happening within your awareness at once. This is possible, and very meditative. The way I do it is first to focus on just one part of my body. I’ll focus on my stomach, and then bring my attention from there to the extremists of my body. After that I spread out into the wide world with my conscious thoughts. Then, when I feel like I’m everywhere at once, I just soak up everything around me.
I feel my emotions, my physical state, the thoughts that bubble up, and the things I imagine. I watch the people on the street, hear the sounds, smell the smells, all of this happening at the same time.
The incredible thing, that no one can explain, is that this is even possible. Consciousness makes it possible. Yet what is consciousness exactly? No one really knows.
Mindfulness Meditation Tips The Benefits
Being in a mindful state of consciousness is the closest you’ll ever be to god, and living in the moment. The biggest benefit for me is inner peace! Although I might be observing the often chaotic experience of reality, happening all at once, nevertheless in this watchful state I feel at peace. Find your inner pease now:
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