Collective Consciousness: Know Yourself, Who Are We?
Collective Consciousness: Know Yourself, Who Are We?
Click Now: https://gatelight.zenler.com/ and Know Yourself!
Spirituality is not easily defined. It’s a very broad concept, open to interpretation. There are many perspectives on this subject. The problem in getting a consensus is the fact that most people think it has something to do with a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. On top of that they are looking for the meaning in life. In some intuitive way we all know spirituality is something that connects us, but it’s hard to say how.
The way I see it, spirituality isn’t something bigger than ourselves. And the meaning is what we give it. But how much do you know about yourself?
How Much Do You Know about Yourself?
I know nothing!
Socrates was called the wisest man alive in his day, because he admitted that he knew nothing.
Everything we think we are, or have been, or might become is rolled up into a story. We all live in the moment, whether we’re aware of it or not. There is no other way to live. The past and the future don’t exist outside of your memory and imagination. Both of which are very inaccurate and tainted with fear and expectation.
In order to communicate with each other, about where we’ve been, and were we might be going, we tell stories. You might think that this is normal conversation, but in fact all conversation is part of an ongoing narrative of life. These realtime stories we tell each other is called the truth.
The truth is that we are just making it up as we go along.
Our dogmatic religions, our spirituality, explained though New Age beliefs, are all just inventions of that same story craft we use to communicate. Somebody made it up at one time, and others agreed on the story as being fact.
But there are no facts, just interpretations of reality.
How Much Do You Know about Yourself:
The Enlightenment Of Knowing Nothing
Admitting you know nothing means there is one alternative left: now you must look on the inside.
Becoming mindful of who you are is important. All you can do is focus on the immediate experience of consciousness, and observe everything happening at once within all of your senses and beyond. This includes sights, sounds, smells, feelings, thoughts, imaginings, etc.
This is the real spiritual you. You are consciousness, whatever that is, experiencing reality now! That’s it!
Beware of people wanting to sell you expensive spiritual experiences, promising you a place in heaven. Experiencing true spirituality only costs the time you take to discover who you really are. Look within.
Click Now: https://gatelight.zenler.com/ and Know Yourself!