Spiritual Healing Through Spiritual Development Online Classes
Spiritual Healing Through Spiritual Development Online Classes
Go here: http://www.gatelightelearning.com/ Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this calming, comforting warmth and tingling throughout my body. But afterwards I felt high, like I had a buzz; only it didn’t cloud my head, it didn’t make me drowsy. I was clear and focused… but when I tried to stand up, I almost fell down, my legs were like spaghetti. I guess that’s why they say you shouldn’t drive for a while after a treatment. Since then my understanding of who I am spiritually grew exponentially, and I have met many people who have gone through a spiritual awakening. 7 ways to a Spiritual Awakening
7. Reiki, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening
Reiki is great for spiritual growth. Reiki healing energy is activated through powerful
Reiki Symbols. You become a channel for it’s high vibration energy, which is great for releasing blockages, and helping people toward a spiritual awakening. Through Reiki you may even become more intuitive and psychic. There are many spiritual benefits to this amazing energy healing method.
6 Energy Balancing For Body, Mind and Spirit, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening
It doesn’t matter if you are a Reiki practitioner, Shaman, or a Medium, the main goal of any healing form is to bring balance to your energy, and the energy of others. The technique of Energy Balancing For Body, Mind and Spirit is based on a method from the Tibetan Medicine. Energy Balancing has many BENEFITS? It can help you with many problems – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – because this method will balance the left and right sides of your body, and brain hemispheres, which is very important to activate the self healing process.
5 Shamanic Dancing, Can Lead to A Spiritual
Awakening Shamanic Dancing is another way of Shamanic Journeying. By using breathing and dancing you reach a light, or deep state of Trance, perfect for Shamanic Journeying. It’s another shamanic way of self discovery, and spiritual growth. When using this breathing method you will free your mind, and when your body is dancing, your soul can travel to other worlds, where you can meet your shamanic ancestors, spirit animals, or spirit guides. There you can get answers to questions; and you can learn, heal, or even help your friends to heal on a spiritual level.
4 A Shamanic Journe, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening
A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits like spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life. A Shamanic Journey, will show you how to find and bring back your Power Animal.
3 A Spiritual Cleansing, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening
A Spiritual Cleansing helps you to create a Sacred Place. It gets rid of negative energy in your house. It’s amazing the positive things that can happen when new energy is flowing in your space…. bringing positive energy and harmony inside. A spiritual cleansing is also helpful for after arguments, after an illness, and after someone has passed away. It can help cleanse a space before you move into a new house, after a divorce or break up, or to bring positive energy into your business, and more.
2 Soul Retrieval, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening
A Soul Retrieval, also called Soul Hunting, is a shamanic method to find and bring back parts of the soul that were lost. Soul Retrieval has been practiced for thousands of years from Shamans around the world, yet for many people it is still not very well known. In cultures, worldwide, we find the belief that sickness and suffering happens because important fragments of our soul have gone missing. This is called “Soul Loss”. It is believed that a Soul Loss often happens because of a shock or trauma, which we experienced in the past, especially in childhood.
1 Trance Healing, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening
Trance Healing lets you connect to your Spirit Guides, and work with them. It shows you how to be a Medium for Healing energy, coming from the Spirit world. Trance Healing is a very powerful method of spiritual healing, because the healing energy comes directly from Spirit. Trance Healing is a form of Mediumship, and Mediumship is the ability to connect to the spirit world, like Spirit Guides, Helpers, Ascended Masters and Angels. In Trance Healing, the Medium is basically just a channel for the Healing energy. Experience A Spiritual Awakening, http://www.gatelightelearning.com/ and Enlightenment
I love this special form of Mediumship!
Trance Healing isn’t just a spiritual healing method that you can use for yourself and others, it’s also an important part of developing your Mediumship skills!
Check out my Certified Trance Healing online Course, maybe it’s something for you.
See you on the other side.
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What is the difference between a Psychic Reading and Mediumship?
A Psychic Reading focusses mostly on your life here and now, your Past, Present and Future. It is about money, relationships and health, and so on. Psychics often use tools like cards. Psychics also can connect to your departed loved ones and give messages that can help you to find the right direction.
Mediumship is the communication with your loved ones on the Other Side. A Medium is also a Psychic, but is specialize in connecting to your departed loved ones with the attention to give you messages directly from your loved ones. Also a medium will give you as many details as possible about the departed loved ones, and to give you validation that they are still with us. A Medium normally does not use any tools like cards.
Find out more information about Mediumship in Calgary under www.psychicmediumcalgary.com
Have you had a Psychic Reading or a Mediumship reading? Please leave a comment or ask a question:
What is Trance?
Trance is a state of consciousness, that you can reach through meditation, dancing, music, or special breathing, and in connection with your Spiritual Helpers. This state of consciousness can be light, or very deep.
Everybody may have experienced a light state of trance just by day dreaming. You can also experience a state of Trance during a non-hypnotic Past Life Regression, Shamanic Journey, or Trance Dance, and of course in Trance Mediumship.
Trance is nothing more than a deep relaxation. When you start to go into a state of trance, all your body functions are starting to slow down. The heartbeat gets slower, the blood pressure becomes lower, and the use of oxygen as well. The skin can get colder.
Trance is similar to almost falling asleep.
But beside the physical effects your awareness gets heightened too. The ability of imagining gets stronger. Also the ability to give yourself orders will be higher. Memories, and feelings will be intensified compared to your usual daily life.
Trance does not hurt, or is uncomfortable. After the trance you will feel refreshed and energized.
Important is to know that the state of trance is always different from person to person. It is indeed a very personal experience, that is also very dependent on your spiritual friends, and the energy you may channel.
Important is your willingness to go into trance, to be open, and to accept it.
It is very important to know that everyone of us is a part of All That Is. But you are also a very unique part in this universe, because you have your free will, that can not be controlled from any other Being from the spiritual world. For example: an angel is only allowed to help you, if you ask for help.
This also means you only can fall in Trance, or connect to your spiritual friends, if you wish this to happen.
Light Trance
Here you experience a state of heaviness or lightness of the body, and also a kind of tiredness. But remember, it can be different for every person. But most of the time, you are still awake, and all senses are open to receive. You can get out of this trance very easily, most of the time, with just few deep breaths.
Middle Trance
Here you have a deeper relaxation on the physical and mental levels.
Your energy expands more, and you might be very open to see pictures.
The focus goes from the outside to the inside, and the awareness of your surroundings is very limited. This state of trance is perfect for Trance Healing. If you are in this state, it is always good to work with a “Guardian”, someone, who is there for you to support you to go into this deep relaxation.
Deep Trance or Full Trance
A Full Trance is not easy to reach. Experience, and lots of practise are necessary. An experienced Medium can do a deep Trance to channel information from Higher Beings, like Angels, Master and so on. In this case the Higher Beings speak through the Medium. The Medium’s consciousness makes room for the consciousness of the Being he or she is channeling. A guardian should be there for assistance. The Trance is so deep, that the medium has no memory after the Trance about what happened.
Trance Healing is a very powerful method of spiritual healing, because the healing energy comes directly from Spirit. A Trance Healing session can be supportive in times where we are out of balance on all levels, for example high stress or emotional problems.
Trance Healing is perfect for spiritual Self Healing, but you also can help others. It works on the emotional, mental and spiritual level more than on physical problems, but still includes this level as well if a physical problem is attached to emotional, mental or spiritual problems.
How does it work?
Before a Trance Healing, you, as the Medium, will go into a deep meditation to reach a state of light, or middle trance, that varies from person to person.
Then you will link with your Spiritual Friends. They can be your Spirit Guides and helpers, Ascended Masters, Angels or Archangels, Ancestors and so on. In this process your energy field, and the energy field of your Spiritual Friends will blend.
Maybe you know already who your Spiritual Guides and Friends from other meditations are. This can be very helpful, but I also recommend to let spirit decide who will come to your healing session. That is why I am calling them Spiritual Friends.
Your Spiritual Friends are a spiritual Intelligence, and they have more insights then you have, and they know exactly what to do. They know about your Past Lives, or about your karmic problems, which can be the source of the problem you may have.
In Trance Healing you are not the healer. The healing comes from Spirit.
If you intend to get involved in the Healing process, you can actually block the process. Trance Healing means to trust in Spirit and to let it happen.
How to do the Meditation
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