Who should take this course, who should not? For everyone who completed a Reiki Level 2 course with a certification. This course is not for students who have not learned Reiki level 2 yet. No Attunements (initiations) included! What should you to know before starting this course? The student must have a Reiki Level 2 certification, including knowledge of Reiki Symbols. Get it now: https://goo.gl/WQTxhc
Reiki Level 1 Calgary: https://www.gatelight.com Learn Reiki level 1 Calgary: one part home study, online, the second part learn Reiki Level 1 Calgary directly with me, Daniela.
Hello and welcome to Reiki Level 1 Calgary. My name is Daniela and I have taught Reiki Since 2002. When we lived in Germany. I’m so excited to teach this course together with my daughter Lina.
The concept and word Reiki comes from Japan, and is the expression for the universal life energy.
It is defined as being the power which acts and lives in all created matter. Is this chi? Or the Higgs Boson Particle which give matter shape, perhaps?
The point is that this is the universal life energy, and the Reiki healing method is to channel it. It is given to one’s self or to others, by gently laying one hand on, or slightly above, the body.
The one who provides the Reiki energy the giver, is the channel for the energy, and through the hands this energy is given to the receiver.
Reiki is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei, which we now teach Reiki Level 1 Calgary. If you live in Calgary, or nearby, you now have the opportunity to learn Reiki at home, online, and get the attunemnents directly from me in Calgary, you can save money this way. Reiki Level 1 Calgary traditionally has 4 attunements.
We guarantee that you will get 4 attunements for Reiki Level 1. this course provides you with lots of demo videos and reading material, on how to give Reiki to yourself and to others. At the end of the course you will get your certificate for Reiki Level 1. This course is fun and easy to learn. Reiki is simple, so keep it simple, and that’s what we’re going to do. See you soon. Reiki Level 1 Calgary, get is now: https://www.gatelight.com
Reiki Classes Level 1: How Can You Learn This Online?
Reiki Classes: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0 If you can not attend direct Reiki classes for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you!
Enrol in the course now, download the material, watch the movies, and get in contact with me, Lina to make an appointment for your personal attunements. More about it will be explained in the course. Reiki Classes are great when you take them online. Click now to get this Certified Reiki Level 1 course! https://goo.gl/MfwuG0
What is a Reiki Lineage? To keep the Reiki energy pure, it is important that your Reiki Master-Teacher has a lineage. This lineage can be traced to the source of Reiki, to Mikao Usui. What is Reiki – Questions and Answers: learn more about Reiki: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0
What Is Reiki Healing? Click here: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0 This Certified Reiki Level 1 online Course with Distance Attunements will show you the way! Reiki Healing has been around for a while. The concept and word Reiki (spoken: Ree-Kii) comes from Japan, and is the expression for the universal life energy.
It is defined as being that power which acts and lives in all created matter. The Reiki healing method is to channel the universal life energy, and it is given to oneself or to others, by gently laying ones hand on or slightly above the body. The one who provides the Reiki-Energy, the giver, is the channel for the Reiki healing energy, and through the hands this energy is given to the receiver. Reiki healing is an inspired healing art of USUI Mikao Sensei (1865-1926).
Usui attained enlightenment, and this Reiki healing ability was bestowed upon him in 1922, at the age of 57 while he was fasting and meditating on the sacred mountain of Mount Kurama in Kyoto. Reiki healing works at a physical level, and is relaxing and pleasant. On the emotional level it creates confidence in oneself, and in others. It helps to strengthen the zest for life, and to feel more balanced. Reiki healing works on the mental level too, helping you to cope with everyday stress better. On the spiritual level Reiki healing helps and guides you to develop your spiritual growth.
If you can not attend a direct Reiki course for any reason, then this course may be a great alternative for you! Reasons for not having the possibility to attend a direct Reiki course, to learn Reiki healing can be for example: – not enough time – having no possibility to get to a class, because there are no classes near by – physical problems – no transportation just to name a few reasons Go and check it out now, Reiki Healing: https://goo.gl/MfwuG0
Daniela is my guru, and she offers the best, personal Reiki courses is Calgary. But she also offers the best online Reiki class you will find anywhere too. Students have given her high praise for her online Reiki classes.
Darlene, 2 months ago “Another amazing course taught by two loving and knowledgeable women. These ladies believe in what they are doing, and are there to help you whenever needed.”
Online Reiki Class 1, 2, 3!
Daniela offers all the online Reiki you might want. She has Reiki level one and two, and Reiki Master and Teacher online courses too. Her classes are simple to follow, and everything is covered through excellent video orientation.
Online learning is new for many people, but it makes so much sense!
Learning online means you can save the most precious thing of all: time! Learn at your own speed from anywhere you want. And still get the highest quality distance attunements available from Daniela and Lina. The best thing is that you will be part of their traditional Usui lineage.
Just a note:
if you want to get the Master attunements, you must already have the first and second Reiki Level completed, including the attunements. Also wait at least 21 days after your Reiki level 2 attunements. Practice a lot, and listen to your heart to know if it is the right time for you to move on.
I use Reiki in my daily life for when I have an upset stomach or some pain
It works wonders for me. My point is that learning it myself was the best way to go, because I can give it to myself anytime I need it, and not worry about making an appointment with a Reiki practitioner. It save money too.
Trance Healing isn’t just a spiritual healing method that you can use for yourself and others, it’s also an important part of developing your Mediumship skills!
Check out my Certified Trance Healing online Course, maybe it’s something for you.
Use this link to get 80% off! This offer ends on the 28th of February 2017! Get VIP Access NOW
or redeem with this coupon: ONLYFORYOU
See you on the other side.
(Don’t forget to tell your friends about this offer!
Hey, I just noticed it’s already February! I was so into my work creating my new “Trance Healing” video online course, that I didn’t notice that the time is passing by so fast.
I’m working on my Trance Healing course for a while now, because I want to make it as perfect as I can.
If you don’t know what Trance Healing is, then let me tell you now what it is.
Trance Healing is a spiritual healing method where the healing comes directly from your angels, spirit guides and helpers.
It is a form of Mediumship, and Mediumship is the ability to connect to the Spirit World.
You can use Trance Healing for yourself, and others, like friends or clients.
To learn and to practice Trance Healing or Mediumship is a process, that needs to be developed step by step through meditations. Most of the time this is done in a Mediumship Development circle. But really, who has such a circle close by? Or who has the possibility to commit to those circles on a regular basis? I don’t. What about you?
I’ve learned Trance Healing a long time ago, and it is one of my favourite methods to release emotional and mental blockages.
I’ve not seen any similar online courses to the one I’m creating right now, and I’m almost ready to launch my Trance Healing course. Yeah 🙂
Otherwise, how is it going with your Karma Journal? If you enrolled my free course: “How To Create Karma You Love”, you will know what I’m talking about. I’ve updated the course a little bit a while ago, so please check in once a while to see if you missed something.
What does Karma actually mean?
Many people misunderstand the concept of Karma. They think it has only to do with guilt and fault, and Karma is catching up to them in a negative way. They don’t know that Karma can also be positive and effect their future happiness as well.
Karma refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect. Simply speaking, good thoughts and good deeds create good karma and future happiness, while bad thoughts and bad deeds create bad karma and future suffering.
Karma means that we always have a choice to use our thoughts and actions to create happiness or suffering. We can be victims and devote ourselves to our karma, or we can wake up and transform our karma and plant new seeds for a happier life.
No worries, I will not talk about how to get rich, or how to heal sicknesses, even if this knowledge can help you with these topics. My goal is to share knowledge that helps you to realize what you are thinking, and also what other people around you are thinking, and how all of this constant thinking, consciously and not consciously, can have a big impact in your life!
But this isn’t all. I also want to give you a very powerful, but simple tool in your hands, to learn more about yourself then ever before, just by observing your thoughts, and the thoughts of the people around you. This course is about understanding the real concept of Karma and Self Awareness.
This knowledge is for everyone!
The information I want to share with you, is for everyone, with or without a spiritual background, or with or without believing in certain theories.
It would be great if you can accept that we are more than just a physical body, and that we had more than just one life.
Even if you don’t belief in these concepts, you can give it a try. The practical technique I’m going to show you later on can be used to improve your life, even if you don’t have a spiritual bone in your body.
Although spiritually cleansing your home, or workplace, can be difficult, as it often begins with de-cluttering, it can be fun too. Spiritual cleansing negative energy is not that difficult, but there is a bit to learn:
I love her descriptions of the different tools that you can use to do the cleansing. I always thought that a feather and sage were the only tools to use, but I was wrong.
This is a beginners to intermediate course, but great, not just for reiki masters to drive away stagnate and negative energy before and after a session, but for anyone who needs to create better flowing positive energy in their home. This can be good for even home owners who need to sell their house. Sometimes all you need to make a sale is to change the energy in your home through a spiritual cleansing of negative energy.
I’ve also heard of businesses that have done a spiritual cleansing in there offices, and afterward their productivity and profits have increased.
Spiritual Cleansing Negative Energy
So here are some other reasons to do a spiritual cleansing: before a healing session, or after a healing session. Sometimes it is good to do it before a meditation, or after an argument. When you get sick, and the illness has passed, this is also a good time to do it. It is obviously good for sending ghosts into the light, but this is beyond this course. On the other hand, you can use the knowledge to cleanse after someone has past away.
It is good to cleanse negative energy before you move into a new house, or after a divorce or break up, and more…
Doing a spiritual cleansing of negative energy is fun. How do I know? When kids will help you do it, and love doing it, it seems obvious. Using things like drums, bells, rattles, making noise, and blowing sage around your home is not child’s play, but it sure is amusing. And afterwards, when you feel the positive change in your home or workplace, it just makes you feel good!