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Category: Shamanic Healing

Sigil Magick – An Ancient Way Of Witchcraft Online Course!

Sigil Magick – An Ancient Way Of Witchcraft Online Course!

Sigil Magick!

Click Now: to get our Sigil Magick Online Course Now!

Do You love Magick and Witchcraft? Then be excited about our online course “Sigil Magick”

Get it Now!

This is our special course in learning a really powerful method of witchcraft.

We have used this quite often to help us manifest our goals and wishes.

This magical method is called Sigil Magick and it is a very old ritual, often used in the middle ages.

The word Sigil comes from the Latin language which means Picture or Seal.
In Sigil Magick a Sigil can me made out of letters that are formed together to make a painted or inscribed symbol.

This Symbol, or Sigil, will be charged with energy to create magical power.

When we say Magick, we don’t mean something you would see in a fairy tale. For us it means a practical tool to put out the energy to reach your goal.

We all know that the written word is the first manifestation. And this is what Sigil Magick is all about. You still need to take action and you need to be open for opportunities.

Hi my name is Lina and I grew up around witchcraft my whole life. My mom, Daniela, would take me to witch circles back when we lived in Germany. Practicing witchcraft is for me just a normal part of my life.

Hi my name is Daniela, and I have practiced Sigil Magick for a long time, and I love it, because it is so simple. You may know me from my other courses, such as Shamanic Journeying, Soul Retrieval, Trance Healing, and so on.

We will be guiding you through this fun little course and you will get a magical tool that can help you manifest your wishes.

You will learn the basic method of how to create a Sigil, and we will show you how to include Sigil Magick in a magical ritual.

This course is for everyone who likes or practices witchcraft.
You don’t need to have any experiences with witchcraft to start this.
The only thing you need to know is what you want to manifest in your life.

Click: to get our Sigil Magick Online Course Now!

See you in our circle.

And So It Be

Spiritual Healing Through Spiritual Development Online Classes

Spiritual Healing Through Spiritual Development Online Classes

Spiritual Healing Through Spiritual Development Online Classes We Help Spiritual Seekers to learn and grow with our ONLINE Classes, for Spiritual Development.
Take one of the best courses available on the planet 🙂 Learn to do spiritual healing and so much more!
Learning in a group can be great, but… – what if you don’t have the possibility to get to the class? – what if you don’t have time, because of your job, or family?
We know, your time is valuable! Online Learning Benefits Well Structured. Easy to Learn. Learn at your own pace. Bite sized lessons. Courses are optimized to play back on any device. Engage with the instructors. Ask anything. Get support. Are you in? Start your Spiritual development with our online classes:
A Spiritual Awakening, With Reiki, And How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

A Spiritual Awakening, With Reiki, And How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

A Spiritual Awakening, With Reiki, And How 7 Enlightening Ways Can Help You Experience A Spiritual Awakening

Go here: Can a spiritual growth course lead to a spiritual awakening? It started with a reiki treatment over a decade ago. I asked myself does reiki really work? I had zero expectations. I was uncertain, I just wanted my question to be answered, one way or the other… But then something amazing happened during the session, At first, I could feel this calming, comforting warmth and tingling throughout my body. But afterwards I felt high, like I had a buzz; only it didn’t cloud my head, it didn’t make me drowsy. I was clear and focused… but when I tried to stand up, I almost fell down, my legs were like spaghetti. I guess that’s why they say you shouldn’t drive for a while after a treatment. Since then my understanding of who I am spiritually grew exponentially, and I have met many people who have gone through a spiritual awakening. 7 ways to a Spiritual Awakening

7. Reiki, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening

Reiki is great for spiritual growth. Reiki healing energy is activated through powerful

Reiki Symbols. You become a channel for it’s high vibration energy, which is great for releasing blockages, and helping people toward a spiritual awakening. Through Reiki you may even become more intuitive and psychic. There are many spiritual benefits to this amazing energy healing method.

6 Energy Balancing For Body, Mind and Spirit, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening

It doesn’t matter if you are a Reiki practitioner, Shaman, or a Medium, the main goal of any healing form is to bring balance to your energy, and the energy of others. The technique of Energy Balancing For Body, Mind and Spirit is based on a method from the Tibetan Medicine. Energy Balancing has many BENEFITS? It can help you with many problems – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – because this method will balance the left and right sides of your body, and brain hemispheres, which is very important to activate the self healing process.

5 Shamanic Dancing, Can Lead to A Spiritual

Awakening Shamanic Dancing is another way of Shamanic Journeying. By using breathing and dancing you reach a light, or deep state of Trance, perfect for Shamanic Journeying. It’s another shamanic way of self discovery, and spiritual growth. When using this breathing method you will free your mind, and when your body is dancing, your soul can travel to other worlds, where you can meet your shamanic ancestors, spirit animals, or spirit guides. There you can get answers to questions; and you can learn, heal, or even help your friends to heal on a spiritual level.

4 A Shamanic Journe, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening

A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits like spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life. A Shamanic Journey, will show you how to find and bring back your Power Animal.

3 A Spiritual Cleansing, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening

A Spiritual Cleansing helps you to create a Sacred Place. It gets rid of negative energy in your house. It’s amazing the positive things that can happen when new energy is flowing in your space…. bringing positive energy and harmony inside. A spiritual cleansing is also helpful for after arguments, after an illness, and after someone has passed away. It can help cleanse a space before you move into a new house, after a divorce or break up, or to bring positive energy into your business, and more.

2 Soul Retrieval, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening

A Soul Retrieval, also called Soul Hunting, is a shamanic method to find and bring back parts of the soul that were lost. Soul Retrieval has been practiced for thousands of years from Shamans around the world, yet for many people it is still not very well known. In cultures, worldwide, we find the belief that sickness and suffering happens because important fragments of our soul have gone missing. This is called “Soul Loss”. It is believed that a Soul Loss often happens because of a shock or trauma, which we experienced in the past, especially in childhood.

1 Trance Healing, Can Lead to A Spiritual Awakening

Trance Healing lets you connect to your Spirit Guides, and work with them. It shows you how to be a Medium for Healing energy, coming from the Spirit world. Trance Healing is a very powerful method of spiritual healing, because the healing energy comes directly from Spirit. Trance Healing is a form of Mediumship, and Mediumship is the ability to connect to the spirit world, like Spirit Guides, Helpers, Ascended Masters and Angels. In Trance Healing, the Medium is basically just a channel for the Healing energy. Experience A Spiritual Awakening, and Enlightenment

Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Shamanic journeying, Shamanic Drumming, And More – Part 2

The Shamanic Journey From all the rituals that exist, the Shamanic Journey is very important in shamanic practises to bring healing and harmony on all levels of your being.

A Shamanic Journey is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans.

It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

There are many ways to do Shamanic Journeys, with rattles, music, singing, dancing, and drumming. Drumming Rhythm Drumming is the oldest form of healing on Earth.

Just by simply listening to the drums will have many positive effects on you, because it alters your brain-waves, similar to Binaural Beats. Drumming brings you to a relaxed state. It distracts you from all the thoughts you have. It simply relaxes your busy mind, and your whole body. Drumming brings you to a higher consciousness where healing can happen, and where all your questions can be answered.

Even if you are not practicing shamanic rituals, the drumming rhythm will still have great benefits for you. Normally you need someone who drums for you so that you can go on a journey.

But these days we are lucky and can use modern technology, like a CD player, or mp3 player. There are some CD’s for shamanic journeys out there and they are perfect for “city-shamans” like us. Trance When you listen to the drumming rhythm you will go into a trance-like state. Trance is nothing more than a state of consciousness, that you can reach through dancing, music, breathing, or meditation.

I know for sure that you have experienced a state of trance already just by day dreaming. Trance is like a very deep relaxation. In this state, and with your eyes closed, you are able to visit other worlds, or other realities. But everything that you see happens only in your mind. The includes meditation will give you an idea about the kind of drumming music you will use for shamanic journeying. This meditation is part of my online course “How To Do A Shamanic Journey

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1

What is Shamanism? Shamanism is a spiritual practice. We find Shamanism all over the world, with different practises, methods, rituals and beliefs.

Shamanism is the experience and knowledge of our ancestors, who used the healing power of nature, the elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, the power of plants, animals and stones, to learn and help us for our highest wellbeing. Shamanism is the practical knowledge that sickness always comes from a disharmony between humans, nature and the Universe.

What is a Shaman? A Shaman works with all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves. The shaman believes all these levels are connected and work together. To bring disharmony back to harmony, a shaman uses spiritual rituals, which helps her to reach an altered state of consciousness, so she can interact with the “Spirit World”.

Shamans are healers, or people who can see in the dark, they are mystics, doctors, advisers, and teachers. Normally a shaman would never call himself a shaman.

He is a wounded warrior, so to speak, who went through difficult times, and learned to heal himself, and now to help others.

This is the reason people call him or her a “shaman”. But otherwise to be a shaman in some cultures, initiations are required. These initiations vary from culture to culture, and can be very dangerous. In our culture we do not need dangerous rituals, because in fact, dangerous initiations are not necessary. Everyone can learn shamanic practices or rituals. You do not need to be a shaman, or to be called a shaman for this. When you do one of the practises, you will feel, and know, if this is really your way to go. Find out more about Shamanism

How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

How do you do a Shamanic Journey?

A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

How to do a Shamanic Journey – To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal

How to do a Shamanic Journey – To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal

Find out how to do a Shamanic Journey: A Shamanic Journey can be a powerful thing in your life to bring positive changes. But most people do not know how to do a Shamanic Journey.

This course called: How to do a Shamanic Journey – To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal is very well structured ans so easy to learn.

What is this how to do a Shamanic Journey course about?

This course teaches you how to do a Shamanic Journey to find and bring back your Power Animal, and also how to connect with your Spirit Guides, and how to get answers to questions.

Maybe you tried to do this already through a meditation, but it didn’t really work out for you, because doing a meditation is not your thing.

A Shamanic Journey is a spiritual practice, and it is a way of exploring the spiritual realms, and making contact with spirits, spirit animals, power animals, lost souls, angels, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans. I’ll show you how to do a Shamanic Journey, and connect with the spirits on the other side.
It is a way of finding out more about yourself, or finding information, healing, wisdom, knowledge, and guidance with one’s personal life.

How long will the course take to complete so you will know how to do a Shamanic Journey?

To learn Shamanic Journeying is not complicated, and I will teach you in a way, that you can start journeying almost immediately.

What kind of materials are included?

I provide guided meditation, and drumming music to download, as well as course manuals.

How is the course structured?

The course is very easy to follow, without complicated instructions. My motto is: Keep it simple, but learn and experience a lot! I’ll show you how to do a Shamanic Journey in no time in a rewarding way.
And also be excited about the Bonus part!

Why take this course?

If you want to know exactly how to do a Shamanic Journey, make contact with your spirit guides, spirit animals, power animals, angles, ancestors, elders, or departed shamans, and if you want to find out more about yourself, or finding answers to questions, than a shamanic journey will be very helpful.

Through this journey we focus on how to find your Power Animal, and bring it back into your life, so that you will experience more energy and Inner Peace.

In the Bonus part you will also learn how to connect with your Spirit Guides, and so much more.


It would be good, but not necessary, to have some experience with meditations, or energy work. Important is to be open minded.

Click now, find out how to do a shamanic journey:

Shaman Healing Ritual Monkey Love From Heaven

Shaman Healing Ritual Monkey Love From Heaven

Getting lost in a tropical rainforest is a death sentence. If the lack of drinkable water, no food, poisonous snakes, and insects don’t get you, than the flooding rivers might. This is the situation a Chilean tourist, Maykool, found himself, lost in the Amazon rainforest. He was lost for nine days, enough time for it to be almost certain he would never return. But he did, and some say it was a shaman healing ritual that saved him.

shaman healing ritual

Shaman Healing Ritual The Monkey Spirit Liked?

Believe it or not he was kept alive by a group of monkeys. The animals brought him fruit, which they dropped on him from the tree tops, and eventually showed him where to find shelter, and to a water source.

Before this happened, park rangers, unable to find the man, invited some spiritual shamans to help with the search. They performed some traditional rituals that would help find the missing man.

Then, six days later, rangers found one of Maykool’s socks. Using the item the shaman healing ritual was intensified through prayers. A couple of days later their pleas had been accepted by Pachamama. Then they made contact with the man’s soul. The personal item made it so much easier to focus on Maykool and connect to him.

After That He Was Found And Reunited With His Family

The power to connect with the spiritual world should not be underestimated with shaman healing ritual. Was it a coincidence that the monkeys felt they had to save Maykool, or did the shaman healing ritual inspire Spirit to send help? You can believe what you want. But from my personal experience, shamanic ritual and journeys into the spirit world, work wonders for bring balance into my life.

How to do a Shamanic Journey – To Find And Bring Back Your Power Animal

If you want to bring healing and change into your life, then take this amazing online course: How To Do A Shamanic Journey

Shamanism Training Online, And What Is Neoshamanism?

Shamanism Training Online, And What Is Neoshamanism?

Shamanism is a very broad and inaccurate term to describe someone who calls upon, and mediates with spirit beings. It is hard to determine a traditional teaching related to shamanism, because the term itself was taken by Russians after communicating with the natives of Siberia. After that, western anthropologists have used this term, in a very general sense, to describe insanely huge diverse spiritual systems. This shamanism training online below, uses a traditional shamanic approach of communicating with spirits, yet it is very modern in it’s Neoshamanic approach of keeping things simple and friendly, and giving anyone access to these ancient teachings through the most modern approach of teaching it online:

The question that is almost impossible to answer is: what is traditional shamanism? This is because the traditions are as diverse as there are cultures big and small on Earth.

The duties of the shaman, within its cultural limits, can be diverse as well, encompassing way more than just communicating with spirits.

A shaman can be anything from a storyteller, village psychologist, to fortune teller. A shaman can be a woman or a man. In the end, anyone can call themselves’s a shaman if they attempt to contact spirits, even mediums.

There has been some conflict, however, between so called traditional shamanism, and the New Age Neoshamanism. The New Age group tend to dismiss the pain, fear, and evil aspects of shamanism ritual and initiation. Whereas the traditional form of initiation often includes an ordeal, which creates much pain, hardship and terror. The New Age approach dose not like the negative side of this, and tends to shy away from it. On the other hand, Neoshamanism is interested to clearing up blockages and releasing subconscious garbage, and activating energies that can be uncomfortable for the client to experience at first.

So who is right?

Shamanism Training Online

In my opinion, both are right, because the only thing that connects most shamanic principals, in this extremely loose terminology, is the ritual and practice of communicating with Spirit.

A shamanic journey is a personal journey. Each individual can journey his or her way. In Daniela’s shamanic journey course, she teaches you to avoid evil spirits, so to speak, yet you don’t have to do this: this journey is your journey.

Traditional vs Neohamanism. What’s the Difference?

Neoshamanism is interested in giving you a positive experience. My personal opinion is that the New Age, although connected to the old one, is exactly that: something new for shamanism! I think we do progress toward greater enlightenment as a collective consciousness, and the more we can exclude and rid ourselves of terror, pain and hardship the better…

Try this simple but powerful shamanic journey now!