Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1
Shamanism – Spiritual Insights, Learn Shamanic Practices Or Rituals – Part 1
What is Shamanism? Shamanism is a spiritual practice. We find Shamanism all over the world, with different practises, methods, rituals and beliefs.
Shamanism is the experience and knowledge of our ancestors, who used the healing power of nature, the elements Earth, Water, Air, Fire, the power of plants, animals and stones, to learn and help us for our highest wellbeing. Shamanism is the practical knowledge that sickness always comes from a disharmony between humans, nature and the Universe.
What is a Shaman? A Shaman works with all levels of our being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves. The shaman believes all these levels are connected and work together. To bring disharmony back to harmony, a shaman uses spiritual rituals, which helps her to reach an altered state of consciousness, so she can interact with the “Spirit World”.
Shamans are healers, or people who can see in the dark, they are mystics, doctors, advisers, and teachers. Normally a shaman would never call himself a shaman.
He is a wounded warrior, so to speak, who went through difficult times, and learned to heal himself, and now to help others.
This is the reason people call him or her a “shaman”. But otherwise to be a shaman in some cultures, initiations are required. These initiations vary from culture to culture, and can be very dangerous. In our culture we do not need dangerous rituals, because in fact, dangerous initiations are not necessary. Everyone can learn shamanic practices or rituals. You do not need to be a shaman, or to be called a shaman for this. When you do one of the practises, you will feel, and know, if this is really your way to go. Find out more about Shamanism